In the latest episode of Master in the House, In Gyo Jin and So Yi Hyun guest-starred as the ŌĆ£masters of marriage promoters,ŌĆØ who wished to stimulate unmarried men and womenŌĆÖs desire to start a family. Listening to their stories, Cha Eun Woo expressed his envy toward the couple, saying, ŌĆ£I too want to get married.ŌĆØ ŌĆ£I heard that we all should marry someone whom we can share our most shameful parts with and whom we can communicate with without troubles. ThatŌĆÖs not an easy thing, but I feel like itŌĆÖs possible if we tie the knot,ŌĆØ he teared up. Trying to lighten his mood, Yang Se Hyung joked, ŌĆ£What, did you get divorced before?ŌĆØ Eventually, Cha Eun Woo burst into tears and shared, ŌĆ£It seems like itŌĆÖs really hard to say comfortably that someone is on my side. IŌĆÖm not talking about love or marriage, but I think IŌĆÖve never found a person with who I can share everything or show my weakness. But IŌĆÖd really love to (find that someone).ŌĆØ The members comforted their youngest, saying, ŌĆ£ItŌĆÖs because youŌĆÖre having a hard time these days.ŌĆØ
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