A post was made on an online community on the 2nd, titled ŌĆśActor Ji Soo is a perpetrator of school violence.ŌĆÖ The original poster (OP) identified themselves as a middle school classmate of the actor and claimed that he was physically bigger than fellow students at the time. ŌĆ£He dominated the school since the second year of middle school in 2007, and committed all kinds of misdeeds in school,ŌĆØ they explained. They also said that the bullying gang that included Ji Soo was quite organized. ŌĆ£I was bullied in 2008 when I was in the third year of middle school. I was assaulted with all kinds of violence, including being threatened, humiliated, and cursed out.ŌĆØ The OP then wrote that what they want is neither compensation nor apology. ŌĆ£IŌĆÖve already been through everything, and I donŌĆÖt need an apology for something irreversible. I donŌĆÖt even think itŌĆÖd be sincere. ThereŌĆÖs only one thing I want. If you want to act, act. But you need to live with the title of ŌĆśPerpetrator of School ViolenceŌĆÖ in front of your name forever,ŌĆØ they warned. They ended by saying, ŌĆ£the memory of countless people you bullied is not forgotten forever, like mine. Pretending to be pure, to be naive, to be nice, to be good; I canŌĆÖt watch it anymore because itŌĆÖs so superficial. You should only act on screens.ŌĆØ The poster uploaded a graduation certificate and album photo from middle school as well. In response to this, the actorŌĆÖs agency KeyEast is confirming facts. While the truth has not yet been confirmed, the post is already spreading online, rapidly. It is likely that this will inevitably have its influence on KBS 2TVŌĆÖs Mon-Tues drama River Where the Moon Rises. Especially as Ji Soo plays the role of Ondal who is characterized as an ŌĆśanti-violenceŌĆÖ figure who only fights to protect someone, the rumors of school violence are expected to be more so affecting. ┬Ā Source (1)