The singer-and-actor appeared on the latest episode of MBCŌĆÖs Radio Star and recalled the most nerve-wracking performance he had to give. ŌĆ£I recently sang a congratulatory song at Park Shin HyeŌĆÖs wedding,ŌĆØ Lee Hong Ki opened up. ŌĆ£I actually went with my mother because my mother is friends with Shin HyeŌĆÖs mother and Tae JoonŌĆÖs mother.ŌĆØ Saying that he promised to sing his song ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm saying,ŌĆØ which was the OST for The Heirs, Lee Hong Ki shared, ŌĆ£That song is ridiculously high.ŌĆØ He added, ŌĆ£I donŌĆÖt usually warm up my voice even before performing on music shows, but this time, I had to. I thought I was preparing for a music award show.ŌĆØ ŌĆ£The worst part was that I was the first up to perform,ŌĆØ he recalled. ŌĆ£But thankfully, the second singer was Kyungsoo (EXOŌĆÖs D.O.). I was getting ready to sing, and Kyungsoo was also trembling. I found comfort in that.ŌĆØ Afterward, Lee Hong Ki showed off his friendship with D.O. ŌĆ£Kyungsoo recently finished filming his new project, so we went golfing together,ŌĆØ he revealed. ŌĆ£HeŌĆÖs the one who got me into golf. He promised me that heŌĆÖd buy new golfwear for me from head to toe if I beat him after only taking seven lessons. And I beat him recently.ŌĆØ He continued, ŌĆ£Kyungsoo started golf a year ago and I started six months ago. So he made an excuse saying that he couldnŌĆÖt practice because of all the filming. But I still told him he has to buy me clothes.ŌĆØ Source (1)