In the recent episode of SBSŌĆÖs Master in the House, which aired on October 25, actor Bae Sung Woo appeared as a master and had time to share honest stories with the cast members. During the talk, Lee Seung Gi drew his ŌĆ£life graphŌĆØ and explained, ŌĆ£I met my teacher Lee Sun Hee and right after I debuted with ŌĆśYouŌĆÖre my girl,ŌĆÖ I saw a great success.ŌĆØ He then pointed at his ŌĆ£emotional graphŌĆØ that is plummeting down and said, ŌĆ£But I felt a lot of pressure. I was always nervous and thatŌĆÖs why my self-esteem was at rock bottom. I should say there was not a single day when I was happy at that time. You know my voice is even different at the time.ŌĆØ He then added, ŌĆ£But my graph goes up when I joined the military. My only worries then were things like ŌĆśWhen am I going to eat?ŌĆÖ so I had a great time.ŌĆØ Lee Seung Gi also showed satisfaction in his life now. ŌĆ£Personally, I am the happiest man now. I feel like I have found the balance between human Lee Seung Gi and celebrity Lee Seung Gi,ŌĆØ he continued. ŌĆ£I didnŌĆÖt listen to my voice before, but now I do listen to it. I think I hurt myself hoping for the success of celebrity Lee Seung Gi.ŌĆØ
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