On Dec 22, GROOVL1N officially announced its contract with rapper nafla. According to their announcement, the contract was finalized in August after a month of discussion. With GROOVL1NŌĆÖs support, nafla produced a new album and even filmed a music video for his new song. nafla is a talented rapper who won the title in MnetŌĆÖs Show Me The Money 7 back in 2018. His contract with a new label is news that should be cheered for, but the public response is stone cold. This is because he is one of the rappers who caused a stir after getting caught using marijuana. In September last year, nafla was investigated by the Seoul Metropolitan Police AgencyŌĆÖs drug investigation team on charges of violating the Drug Control Act. In a police investigation, he confessed that he smoked a joint that Young West acquired. Considering that he is a first-time offender, nafla had his indictment suspended in July, and the news was officially reported in October. In general, celebrities who have caused drug scandals are released from their agencies after the contract is terminated. But GROOVL1N made a somewhat ŌĆ£oddŌĆØ choice. Today, GROOVL1N stated that they werenŌĆÖt aware of naflaŌĆÖs drug usages at the time of their contract and learned the fact only after the news hit the wire. ŌĆ£We have had many worries for quite some time, and after hours of talks and communications with the artist and with his sincere promise, we have come to a difficult final decision not to terminate the contract with artist nafla,ŌĆØ they stated. nafla, who chose a new start instead of a time of self-reflection, shared, ŌĆ£IŌĆÖm also sorry I am finally greeting everyone after having time to self-reflect on my actions. I disappointed many people by smoking marijuana. I became loose and weak, causing myself to do something that I shouldnŌĆÖt have done. I realized a lot about the lack of awareness about the fact that marijuana is illegal in Korea and I am deeply reflecting on myself.ŌĆØ However, it seems like both nafla and GROOVL1N cannot shy away from criticisms. And these criticisms are also stretching to Ravi, head of GROOVL1N. Here are some of the comments: ŌĆ£He has built up such good images so far, but this is gonna hurt that for sure.ŌĆØ ŌĆ£I donŌĆÖt understand your decision, Ravi.ŌĆØ ŌĆ£There is no need to drag along a criminal.ŌĆØ ŌĆ£Come one people, drugs are illegal in Korea, period. DonŌĆÖt shield someone who has committed a crime.ŌĆØ Source (1)